Sam Hollis Web Design

Risk free, Pay as you Go websites

Case Studies

Simon Robertson

Who is the client? Simon Roberts – Commercial Photographer


What service did he want?

Lead magnets, email marketing and landing pages.


What did we do

We provided Simon with an effective lead magnet on a newly designed landing page for his website. This was a download given for free in exchange for the downloader’s contact details. We then set up an email campaign to contact the downloader offering them Simon’s services as well as giving news of the business and advice, as well as ways to contact Simon.

How did it help them?

It proved to be very successful, garnering a number of valuable leads for Simon’s business. Many of these leads signed up for the download, were impressed by the information on offer and the way it was presented and were kept in the loop by the emails until they were ready to commit to a purchase.


What did they say?

“One of the things that really impressed me about Sam and his team is the time that they take to get to know me as an individual and also to understand my business. I would highly recommend them. i think they’re a great team. Very professional and very creative. What more would you want from a web design company?”

How can I learn more?

Email me find out more about our lead magnet offering, how it can help your business and how you can start today.

Book a call to see how lead magnets could work for you

Lead magnets have helped Simon Robertson attract more customers. Book a call to see how they could work for you.