Sam Hollis Web Design

Risk free, Pay as you Go websites

Case Studies

Who is the client? Fabienne Miler – Interior Designer


What service did she want?

Designing and marketing online interior design courses


What did we do?

We worked with Fabienne, helped her to create real-time online course on interior design and supported her through the launch. We also helped her to manage the technical side of her online training business and set up the payment system that helped her make money from the venture.

We are currently working with Fabienne to develop this into an on-demand course for purchasing from her website. We are particularly focusing on the technical setup and marketing of the course

Take a look at Fabienne’s course here.


How did it help them?

We helped Fabienne focus on what she is great at – Delivering engaging courses that give her customers an amazing return on investment. This meant that beyond the ideas stage she didn’t have to worry about the setup of the courses.

Fabienne and I have many discussions about the marketing of her courses and together we devise strategies that work for her and her business. Again allowing her to focus on speaking to leads while knowing the follow up emails, landing pages and purchasing are all organised for her.


What did they say?

“It has been a massive benefit for me to have Sam in the background to help with the tech side. He has been helping me, creating the website, and when it came to creating a designer course, Sam was there to basically support the launch. I could not reccomend Sam enough. He’s brilliant at what he does – supporting me, being available and being keen to help. Thank you Sam.”


How can I learn more?

Book a call to find out how we can help you with marketing and hosting courses online.

Book a call to see how hosting online courses could help your business.

Courses helped Fabienne Miler develop her business. Book a call to see how they could work for you.