Sam Hollis Web Design

Risk free, Pay as you Go websites

Case Studies

Who is the client? Howard Jeffs – Kayak Seller


What service did he want?

Having known Sam during university, Howard reconnected with him to get his sea kayaking website revamped, and expanded. He wasn’t disappointed!


What did we do?

We helped Howard to revamp his site and sorted out a lot of the issues that the existing site had accrued over the years. We also added a shop to the site so Howard could start selling sea kayak equipment.


How did it help him?

Howard is currently looking to move away from so much reliance on coaching and guidance and to build a retail aspect to his business. Our addition of the shop to Howard’s site helped him to do this and to progress in the direction he wants to move in.

In the past, Howard had encountered several bugs in his site and faced trouble with his previous website provider when he tried to get these fixed. We offered him a simpler, more reliable service and a bug-free website. This left his business free to move forward easily, which he appreciated very much.


What did he say?

“Just like your utility bills or your banks, when you change you’re just worried that it’s going to be fraught with hassle. But in fact, the transfer went perfectly. It was not a problem at all. Any little glitches, Sam sorted out very quickly.”


“We made some changes and added a shop feature … Things are up and working really well. It’s just not a problem at all. So yeah, keep up the good work Sam. I’m pretty impressed, and I couldn’t recommend you more. Thanks very much!”

Book a call to see how hosting online courses could help your business.

Courses helped Fabienne Miler develop her business. Book a call to see how they could work for you.