Sam Hollis Web Design

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Your Expert Guide to Email Marketing

Your Expert Guide to Email Marketing

Every business owner wants to pull in new customers to their offerings reliably, regularly and automatically. The amazing thing about email marketing is that it can get you a lot of the way along the path to this ideal scenario. It also generates an amazing £36 of returns for every £1 invested. Just take a look through our expert guide to learn everything you need to run your own outstanding campaign.

Building a Sales Funnel, The Top of your Funnel

Building a Sales Funnel, The Top of your Funnel

In this podcast I am a  guest talking to Christina Michaelis about building a sales funnel. In this episode I am talking about those first connections. How to get people into your funnel. It's a long way down before they become a customer, but, these are those first...

Building a Sales Funnel, Big Ideas and principals

Building a Sales Funnel, Big Ideas and principals

In this podcast I am a  guest talking to Christina Michaelis about building a sales funnel. The big ideas about why we should use them and how to set them up and use them. This is going to be very useful if yo are looking to grow your business and get more leads. This...

The Best Blog Format For Attracting And Informing Readers

The Best Blog Format For Attracting And Informing Readers

You only get one chance to make a first impression. That’s as true for your blog as for so many other things in life. As with those other things, it’s not the value of what’s inside or the deep insight that makes that impression. Unfortunately, on a subconscious level at least, we’re all superficial so-and-sos who like to judge books by their covers and blogs by their layout.
